November 8, 2024
Dear SRVUSD Community,
If you had not already heard the news, I am thrilled to share that Measure Q has passed, in no small part to the incredible support and hard work of so many of you in our community. On behalf of the Board of Education, I want to extend a heartfelt thank you to all who volunteered their time, made their voices heard, and worked tirelessly to make sure this critical measure passed. Your dedication is a powerful reminder of what we can achieve when we all come together for our students, staff, and the entire educational community.
A special thank you also goes out to our administrators, and certificated and classified staff. Your commitment to our students and your ongoing efforts to ensure they thrive is what makes SRVUSD so special. We are incredibly grateful for your dedication.
The passage of Measure Q represents an important victory for our schools and our community. The parcel tax will provide the necessary funding to sustain the programs and services that have contributed to our remarkable schools and students’ high achievements. This renewed local support ensures that SRVUSD can continue to attract and retain highly qualified teachers; support academic programs in science, technology, engineering, arts, math, reading and writing; and prepare students to compete for college and careers.
While this is a significant win, we are mindful of the financial challenges that still lie ahead. We will remain vigilant and strategic in being good stewards of our resources. We are confident that with the continued support of our staff and families we can navigate an uncertain financial future and stay focused on providing the best possible education for our students.
We encourage you to fill out the Budget Reductions Input Survey sent to the SRVUSD community yesterday, and to join us at one of the Budget Town Halls, at the district office boardroom, located at 699 Old Orchard Drive, Danville:
- Thursday, 11/14, at 6:30 pm
- Wednesday, 11/20, at 9:30 am
- Thursday, 11/21, at 6:30 pm
As we move forward, we will continue working collaboratively with our entire community to ensure that every student in SRVUSD has the opportunity to reach their fullest potential.
In partnership,
Laura Bratt
SRVUSD Board of Education